03.31 Lectures on English law conducted with the support of the UNCRA, the KCAC, the US Embassy, and the EUSA
09.16 Agreement for the creation of the Korean Legal Center (KLC)established among parties including Dr. Robert G. Storey, U.S. Lawyer Foundation, U.S. Department of State, American Korean Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the FOA This agreement was presented to the President and the Minister of Justice.
11.26 President Rhee Syngman orders the formation of the KLC at the 61st State Council meeting
06. Establishment of KLC formation committee
07.16 General meeting held among promoters for the establishment of the KLC, and the Articles of Incorporation confirmed
07.31 Permission to establish a legal entity from the Ministry of Justice (Ministry of Justice Announcement No. 38)
08.24 KLC Inc. registered
08.24 nauguration of the 1st Director Jung Goo-young
05.25 Establishment of the Korean Association of Comparative Law
06.01 Establishment of the Korean Association of Civil Law
06.22 Establishment of the Korean Criminal Law Association
07.18 Establishment of the Korean Public Law Association
09.28 Establishment of the Korea Business Law Association
08.16 lnauguration of Director Kwon Seung-yeol
09.19 Establishment of the Korean Association of Legal Philosophy
10.21 Publication of the first issue of "The Justice"
1958 11.10 Establishment of The Korea Society of Labor Law
1959 12. Publication of Lawsuits filed to the Supreme Court
1961 01.17Inauguration of Director Eom Min-young
1963 Inauguration of Director Lee Tae-hee
1964 11.20 Publication of the first edition of Korean Law in English
1968 Inauguration of Director Hwang Sung-soo
06.03 Inauguration of Director Yang Jun-mo
07.15 Publication of the monthly KLC newsletter
1978 04.10 Inauguration of Director Jeon Bong-duk
12.09 Inauguration of Director Kim Doo-hyun
1987 09.06 Hosted the 13th World Legal Professionals Conference in Seoul
01.30 Inauguration of Director Moon In-gu
1996 01.26Inauguration of Director Park Seung-seo
1997 01.31 Presentaton of the first Juridical Paper Award
01.26 Inauguration of Director Park Woo-dong
2002 12.30 Designated as a public contribution target group (Ministry of Strategy and Finance Announcement No. 2002-157)
2004 01.27 Inauguration of Director Jung Sung-jin
2005 01.27 Inauguration of Director Lee Jae-hoo
2006 06.22 50th Anniversary Academic Conference
03.29 Law No. 8323 of the KLC Promotion Act
09.27 Establishment of Enforcement Decree of the KLC Promotion Act Presidential Decree No. 20285
04.25 Director Lee Jae-hoo awarded the National Mugunghwa Medal on the 45th anniversary of the "Day of Law"
08.25~26 Korean Lawyers Conference Commemorating 60 years since its foundation : [The Role of Law in Advanced Countries]
10.25~267th Korean Lawyers Conference : [Social Change and the Role of Legal Professionals]
2012 01.26 Inauguration of Director Kim Yong-dam 10.23~24 8th Korean Lawyers Conference : [Social Integration and the Role of Law]
2013 06.08 [KLC and France China Foundation Lecture Agreement] signed
2014 10.24~25 9th Korean Lawyers Conference : [120 years of Modern Law - Reflection and New Direction]
2015 07.24 [Meeting with Attorneys – Communication and exchange] Event held
04.28 Meeting with Attorneys – Communication and exchange] Event held : Chungbuk National University
05.04 ~ 06.29 Establishment of “Lecture on Recalling the Meaning of Being a Legal Practitioner”
06.10 [Major Issues of the Trust Act] Symposium held
07.01 Establishment of the Academic Research Department (Civil and Commercial Law Studies)
10.20~2110th Korean Lawyers Conference held
12.19 Human rights advocacy symposium held : [Advancement of IT Technology and Protection of Personal Information]
01.20 Inauguration of Director Kwon O-Gon
05.24 The 2nd “Lecture on Recalling the Meaning of Being a Legal Practitioner” held
06.23The 2nd “Lecture on Recalling the Meaning of Being a Legal Practitioner” held
09.26 The 2nd “Lecture on Recalling the Meaning of Being a Legal Practitioner” held
06.07 「Meeting with Attorneys」 Event held
09.15 「Meeting with Attorneys」 Event held
10.27 「Meeting with Attorneys」 Event held
08.25 「The Status and Issues of Punitive Damages」 Symposium held
09.05 「Artificial Intelligence and Future of Medical Care」 Forum hosted
2018 01.26 "Korean Legal Center" renamed "Korean Society of Law"
2022 01.27Inauguration of Director Ki-Su LEE 04.26 Publication of the first issue of "Current Issue Report" 05.01 Office relocation to Yongsan 06.03 The opening ceremony of the office's relocation 10.27~28 The 13th Korean Jurists' Conferencee held : [The Acceleration of the Digital Era and Legal Challenges]
2023 08.18 Academic Research Division 2023 Summer Seminar 12.13 Academic Research Division 2023 Winter Seminar
2024 02.20Commemorative Ceremony for the Publication of the 200th Issue of Justice 10.15Signing of MOU with the Constitutional Research Institute 10.29~30The 14th Korean Jurists' Conference held : [Future Directions for the Advancement of the Judiciary] 12.23Signing of MOU with the Korea Legislation Research Institute